Buffalo Touring Company

One Museum Court
Buffalo, NY 14216
(716) 259-4887 info@buffalotouringcompany.com Visit Website

Come experience Buffalo like never before! Ride a SEGWAY on a guided tour of North Buffalo. What’s a Segway you ask? It’s a cool Personal Transporter that balances you 100 times per second.

Glide past famous buildings and historic sites, including the Buffalo History Museum, Buffalo AKG Art Museum, Hoyt Lake, Delaware Park, the Buffalo Zoo and Frank Lloyd Wright’s Martin House and learn facts and history about the “Queen City” along the way.

Your great value Segway Tour package includes Segway training, bottled water, an emailed photo of the day and admission to The Buffalo History Museum, where the tours will begin and end.

Your tour experience will last approximately 2 hours. Tours will be offered Friday – Monday, weather permitting. Reservation are required.

Please visit the website for further details.

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Buffalo Touring Company

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